The stature of the teaching profession continues to diminish exponentially as the profession continues to be comprised mostly of people who performed at the bottom third of their class in undergraduate school. Teaching in a public school insures that teachers, bolstered by the teacher's union, can work to minimum standards with impunity. Most teachers come from the working class; therefore, lack the cultivated experience to recognize that their education was mediocre at best since working class children are educated differently than upper class children. Working class children,some of whom will be future teachers, receive an education predicated on obedience to rules since those are the values that the ruling class wants inculcated in the working class. Working class education with its adherence to rules and conformity fails to be the fertile incubation for the development of brilliance and rebellion required of a great teacher. The essence of great teaching remains the ability to inspire in students the passion and desire to question the status quo even if that could mean questioning the teacher who could be perceived as its embodiment. . Unfortunately, teachers benefit from the statusquo where the unions insure job safety for most teachers who have no incentive to be anything other than mediocre.
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